Feingold Association of the United States
Proven dietary solutions to behavior, learning & health problems
Latest News: What to Know About the Ban on Red Dye No. 3
Who are we and what do we do?
Food dyes can result in many problems for sensitive people. Published research shows that synthetic dyes can have a harmful effect on behavior, learning, and health.
We are a nonprofit organization of people of all ages. We have found that many problems, including what is being called ADHD, have been dramatically helped by removing a group of harmful chemical additives.
Synthetic dyes are found in many things beside food — toothpaste, vitamins, mouthwash, lotions and medicine, to name a few. Artificial flavorings, preservatives, and even some healthy foods can bring on symptoms. Happily, there are many readily-available options, and parent volunteers share our information with you. Learn more.
“Artificial food colors, common in children’s food products, may be associated with worsening attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Studies cited in the report found a significant number of children who cut out synthetic food colorings from their diets showed decreased ADHD symptoms.”
Pediatrics (the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics), July, 2018