Our Kids

Feingold Diet Successes and Personal Stories

Read some of these inspiring personal stories from families and individuals who have been positively impacted by the Feingold Diet.

Ali amazed her teacher as she was finally able to sit during story time, fully engaged. Family and friends started noticing that she was bouncing less. In addition, she became night- time potty trained … She stopped grinding her teeth at night and started sleeping peacefully… For the first time in her life, our 3-year-old was able to sit through a full 25-minute TV show … She was still full of life and energy, but it was much more manageable.

No more angry rages, no more oppositional defiance, no more ADHD; our silly, joyful 8-year-old is now enjoying life as the child she was always meant to be! I have been raising my 8-year-old granddaughter Arabella since she was 5 years old. Having raised four children of my own, I was no stranger to the joys and challenges of parenting, but raising a child with emotional and behavioral issues was new territory for me..

We were having so much trouble with Aurelia’s behavior that home-schooling wasn’t working either. In fact, living with a hyperactive, over-reactive, defiant, aggressive, anxious daughter had become too chaotic to manage.

A little boy with no speech and endless tears. Life was very hard for Cameron…and it was hard for those around him. From birth, Cameron was “different.” He was very moody, angry, hated being touched and would not sit still —EVER. He hated car rides, being in a stroller, being carried, sung to; you name it

If he’s on the [Feingold] diet, Damian’s an easygoing, fun-loving, wonderful kid. If he’s eaten something that doesn’t agree with his system, he has meltdowns at the drop of a hat, becomes aggressive, and has problems figuring out how to get dressed without help. I know there is no cure for Asperger’s, but with the Feingold Program, my son fits in much better with his peers (and has actually been calm enough for long enough that he’s starting to make friends, too!)

Garrett was diagnosed with both Oppositional Defiant Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. … Within three days [on Feingold] … after we told him something that would usually cause a meltdown, and Garrett just said “okay” … We were dumbfounded.

Jennifer contacted the Feingold Association in September of 2016. Here is her first email, reproduced with her permission

Jake was three years old, pushing four that summer, his mom recalls. He was perfect in every way…except that he had almost no vocabulary…

A small child’s frightening world was caused by the things he ate As a toddler, Garrett would bang his head when he got frustrated; he would go into rages, unable to control himself.

Where did my sweet little girl go? As she began to eat what is generally thought to be “normal” food, Jessica’s behavior changed dramatically. Her mom Debbie writes, “As an infant and toddler, Jessica was an easy spirit. I could take her anywhere and know that she would be a good little kid.”

The huge issue for him was always the terrible migraines. After starting Feingold, Joe says, “I didn’t have migraines any longer, so missing out on ‘treats’ wasn’t a sacrifice. It was great to feel better.” Moreover, as the additives were removed, Joe’s sensitivity to sound diminished. He was able to sit through a service at church, play the bass in a band, and run the sound equipment, too!

Nathan and Avery

Read Nathan’s Story

My older son, Alexander, was a happy, healthy baby, and when he was three years old, we were blessed with twins – Nathan and his sister, Avery. But as he got older, Nathan’s behavior deteriorated, and I found myself becoming all-consumed with his needs, and my other children were getting whatever I had left over.

It wasn’t ADHD and it wasn’t bi-polar disorder. This little boy suffered from multiple physical problems, and his behavior was a reflection of how miserable he felt…

The children in this family range in age from 31 down to 4, but despite lots of parenting experience and a providing healthy diet, this mom was baffled by the problems her youngest child showed…

… she frequently fell out of chairs … talked a-mile-a-minute but never really said anything… visual processing problems, constant diarrhea … short-term memory problems, restless sleep, migraines, and dyslexia. [Her doctors] were in shock that all we did was change her diet …

For most of his school years, Nate slid through the cracks. He was in a gifted program but performed well below what his teachers knew was his potential. [In 7th Grade] Nate began taking Concerta, and while it helped reduce the symptoms, we were continually having to increase his dose. What’s more, in the evening when the effects of the drug wore off, the behavior problems accelerated.