Here you will find the answers to the most common questions.

The Feingold Diet removes

Temporarily Removed at The Start of The Program

Products containing several other additives are marked in our Foodlist book because many of our members need to or want to avoid them. Sugar is not removed; most members tolerate sugar in moderation, although corn syrup is a problem for some.

Is it hard?

Most people find it takes a few weeks to fully adjust to the changes in the foods they buy and prepare, but that by about the 3rd week it becomes routine. If you see a big improvement, then the effort required will seem small by comparison. The diet itself is no more difficult than any other dietary change, requiring close attention until you are used to it. This is actually the question parents using the Feingold Diet are asked most often. Here are some of their answers about what HARD is:

Hard is…

When these problems go away because we pay attention to the brands of food we buy, or even make our own birthday cake (but there are acceptable mixes!), then life becomes much less hard!

Is it expensive?

If you need to replace some of the foods in your pantry, there will probably be an initial increase in the cost of your food, but once you have done this, the cost will probably be about the same. Some families find that their food bill goes way down because they are avoiding overpriced junk food.

Is this a health food diet?

No, not at all.  Sugar is allowed, and so are candy, ice cream, cookies, etc.  The focus is on getting rid of the harmful additives that are often in sweets and snacks, and happily there are many that are free of those additives.  Of course, we don't encourage excessive amounts of them.

While a diet with abundant fruits and vegetables is very healthy, this can be a problem for people who are "salicylate sensitive."  They find that one or more of these foods can cause various physical or behavioral problems.  The Feingold Program is designed to show you how to run a simple test to see if you are sensitive to any of these foods.

Who can be helped?

The additives that are removed by the Feingold Diet have been found to cause many types of problems in people of all ages. Most of the additives are made from petroleum and can affect any system of the body.

Dr. Feingold initially developed the program to help an adult with a severe case of hives, and later found that the same diet helped improve the behavior of children suffering from hyperactivity. Over the years FAUS has received reports from members about a wide range of problems that have either improved or been resolved by following the diet.

What's up with salicylates?

Willow bark, which has long been used to ease pain and fever, contains salicylate which is the basis for aspirin. Some plants make salicylate to protect themselves from insects and disease. Even healthy foods like apples can be a problem for someone who is sensitive to them.

Many people believe that by measuring the salicylate content of various foods we can assume that those with the highest levels are the ones that will cause problems. Unfortunately, it is not that simple.

The Feingold Handbook will guide you through the process of testing for salicylate sensitivity, and the Foodlist helps because it is divided into two sections: non-salicylate foods and those that contain salicylates.    See What’s Wrong With Apple Juice?

Are food dyes really harmful?

Yes, numerous studies have found that dyes are harmful. They can damage the DNA, the reproductive system, the immune system, cause headaches, reduce valuable nutrients in the body, cause cancer and bring on symptoms of ADHD.

Most of them have already been banned, but the few that remain are being used in ever-increasing amounts.

Where can I find suitable food?

Basic foods can be found in any supermarket. If you want to use many processed/convenience foods you might need to seek out additional stores. Many of the hard-to-find things (like natural marshmallows and bubble gum) are available online.

Don't children want to cheat on the diet?

Most people believe they will cheat, but we have found this is usually not a problem if the children are provided with their favorite foods (in versions that are free of the unwanted additives).  At the beginning of the program parents are encouraged to be lenient about letting children have treats.  Once the child's behavior is normalized, parents can put more focus on healthy choices.  It is important that children (and spouses) see the diet in a positive way.  Many children prefer the natural treats. to the synthetic ones.

Our materials (Feingold Handbook and the book Why Can't My Child Behave?) discuss strategies that moms have used to help the family transition to real food.

Does scientific research support this diet?

Yes, FAUS collects the research on food additives and their effects on behavior, learning and health.

The 2007 British Study by McCann et al impressed the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) so much that the AAP published an article saying “…a trial of a preservative-free, food coloring-free diet is a reasonable intervention.” An editorial in the British Medical Journal (May 2008) argued that removing dyes and preservatives should be a standard part of ADHD treatment.

What about eating out or visiting relatives?

We encourage families to hold off on eating out until they have seen a positive change in their "target" (the person for whom the diet is directed).  But once there is a positive response, people can start to expand their options.  Before long, both parents and children tend to become very good at understanding which foods are likely to be free of the unwanted additives.  To make things easier, the Feingold Association publishes an annual Fast Food & Restaurant Guide which lists the best options at major fast food chains.

Help and information is also available from experienced parents on our Facebook page, and via our office.  When families are planning a trip they often seek out restaurant suggestions from others around the country.

The preschool serves snacks. What can I do?

In our Feingold Handbook, we offer suggestions on how you can work with others who provide food.

Can I find medication without the additives?

There are several options that might help.

These are described in detail in the Feingold Handbook.

My child is on medication. Can I still use the diet?

Many families begin the Feingold Diet while their child is on medication. We can assist them as they work with their doctor and pharmacist to find an uncolored version.  Then, it is typical that the parents will work with the doctor to gradually withdraw the medicine as the child’s symptoms improve.

But my child doesn't have ADHD. Can this still help?

The diet was originally developed for asthma and eczema. Its effect on behavior was a “side effect” noticed in the 1960s when the American diet became so saturated with food dyes and other additives.

The diet still helps people with asthma, eczema, migraines, and other symptoms in addition to behavioral problems or ADHD.

In addition to the “target” person for whom they use the diet, many find that other family members also benefit from eating the healthier food, no matter what their symptoms.

What are the chances this will help me or my child?

We cannot predict if the diet will help, but most of the people who use it say they have benefited, and in many cases the improvement is dramatic. Organizations like ours do not form, let alone continue for decades, unless the volunteers see that their work is successful.

Aren't FD&C dyes certified to be safe?

No. “Certification” does not mean they are safe, it means they contain no more than the amount of lead, mercury, arsenic, benzidine, and other contaminants the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) considers acceptable.

How long do we have to stay on the diet?

That’s up to you.  The diet is a test, a way to determine if any of the foods/additives are playing a part in the unwanted symptoms.  If you have had a good response, and then go back to eating these things, you will probably see a return of the symptoms.  But the longer you avoid the chemicals (or salicylates) the more likely you will be able to handle an occasional exposure and not have any reaction.  Sometimes a person will think they have “outgrown” the sensitivity, but what actually happens is that they are much healthier, and their body is able to handle a modest amount.

The good news is that once they have become accustomed to the more natural foods, most children and adults prefer them.  The Feingold Diet could also be called a “Gourmet Diet” since the natural foods we eat use the type of ingredients a world-class chef would use.

Suppose I use the wrong food and my child has a reaction?

Welcome to the club – we have all been there!  As unpleasant as it is to live through a reaction, the good part is that parents now understand why the child (or adult) is behaving badly.  We no longer blame ourselves for our child’s outburst and know that it will be over after a while.  The Feingold Handbook has suggestions on dealing with a reaction.

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